ENSP Launch and Staff Training
Following the successful launch of the Ethio Netherlands seed partnership, which includes Markos PLC and Bakker Brothers, based on the achievements of ISSD Ethiopia, the recommendations of stakeholders, and the ambitions of the governments of Ethiopia and the Netherlands, The objectives align well with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of Ethiopia, the Embassy of the […]
RVD organized in collaboration with SNV
The field day, which was hosted in partnership with SNV in the southern nation’s nationality (Butagira) and Sidama regions (Wondogent), is a good example of connecting farmers with importers to address a lack of access to quality seed and gave farmers lots of options.
Field day in Arusha by Bakker Brothers
In February 2023, our partner Bakker Brothers organized a field day in Arusha, Tanzanian. They invited all of their partners from Africa to see and discover potential new varieties that could be a perfect fit for their country.During our visit, we witnessed a very successful full-field day and a well-established Baker Brothers field station. On […]
Hybrid Demonstration in Arbaminch
In the south of Ethiopia, Arbaminch, where perennial crops like banana and papaya are more popular than vegetable production, we promote our hybrid seed in a commercial farm near the Chamo river and invite more than 50 farmers from Nearby woredas. Farmers who attended the field day were quite pleased with the crops they sow, […]
Workshop organized by Meda Project in Gondar
A successful agricultural business-to-business networking event in Gondar prepared by Meda and SNV, which was a win-win partnership for farmers, agro-dealers, and importers, since it opens up a new path and reduces barriers for the future.
Our hybrid watermelon success story
Our hybrid watermelon story continues to expand and reaching many more commercial farms. We were pleasantly surprised by the response we received from those commercial farms in Omo, which solved the gap they had previously, particularly in terms of taste and shelf life, given that their farm is more than 700 kilometers from the major […]
Watermelon Field Day in Koka
From the total watermelon production area in Ethiopia, Koka takes the biggest share. Farmers in the area started producing watermelon a long time ago, but the production has never been that satisfying since they are using seed that is not hybrid and has an unknown seed source.When we demonstrated our hybrid watermelon called Avallon F1, […]
Cluster workshop on input supply in Horticulture work shop in Bahir Dar
The work shop was organized in collaboration with SNV (Horti-Life) to enhance linkage between FFS representative farmers from 7 woreda around Bahir Dar Zuriya and different value chain actors in the sector. The aim of the program was to present the inputs that they learned in the FFs program.In the event, more than 200 farmers, […]