ENSP Launch and Staff Training

Following the successful launch of the Ethio Netherlands seed partnership, which includes Markos PLC and Bakker Brothers, based on the achievements of ISSD Ethiopia, the recommendations of stakeholders, and the ambitions of the governments of Ethiopia and the Netherlands, The objectives align well with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of Ethiopia, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN), and SeedNL, a partnership between the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the seed association Plantum, to enable the private sector in Ethiopia to deliver farming men and women high-quality seed of improved varieties much needed for food security, nutrition, and climate resilience. The partnership will increase 150,000 households’ crop productivity and diversity by 50%, create 2,000 jobs, and increase the area under sustainable agricultural practices.

Further, women’s access to finance, entrepreneurship opportunities, managerial and leadership roles, and life-long learning will be improved. The first progress was that our partner sent their technical staff to train our staff as part of knowledge transfer.

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Tana F1

Hybrid white cabbage with early maturity. Tana is high yielding and is especially suited for warm areas. It has a vigorous growth and an early maturity. Its semi-erect plant allows water to drain well and minimizes fungus development.

Disease Resistance/Tolerance
Intermediate Resistance:
Black Rot (Xcc)
Fusarium wilt (Foc)




Avallon F1

Hybrid Crimson Sweet watermelon with a maturity of 80-85 days. The strong vigorous plant has high continuance and good foliage cover. The fruits are broad elliptic in shape and reach 12-15kg in weight.

Disease Package       
Intermediate Resistance:
Anthracnose (Co)
Fusarium wilt (Fon)




Vigro F1

Hybrid hot pepper with medium-early maturity for open field and tunnel. Vigro has medium-sized fruits, 16x3cm with medium thick walls and medium pungency. Its plant is vigorous and produces high quality fruits throughout the whole season.

Disease Resistance/Tolerance
High Resistance:
Potato Virus Y (PVY:0)

Intermediate Resistance:
Nematodes (Me)




Venise F1

Hybrid determinate elongated tomato with early maturity. This elongated variety is suitable for both the fresh and processing market. Venise is high yielding, with a concentrated fruit set. The fruits have a semi-jointed attachment. They weigh 120-150gr with thick walls and a brix of 4.8. The plant has very good vigour and the leaves cover the fruits well, shielding them against sunburn.

Disease Resistance/Tolerance
High Resistance:
Tomato Torrado Virus (ToTV)
Fusarium (Fol-2)
Altenaria Stem Canker (Aal)
Verticillium (Va)

Intermediate Resistance:
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV)
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV)
Bacterial Wilt (Rs)




Red King F1

Hybrid red short day onion. Red King has top-shaped bulbs.


