Avallon F1: Meeting the Crisp and Sweet Demands of Watermelon Lovers
Nowadays, consumer demand for watermelon has been on the rise since farmers are eager to grow it, recognizing its value for personal consumption and the substantial profits it offers as a low-investment crop. Especially, the quest for crisp and sweet watermelon is paramount. Our Hybrid Watermelon, AVALLON F1, meets both criteria and has gained widespread […]
Farmers Program in Butajira
In each growing season, one of our company’s approaches to making hybrid seeds accessible to farmers is through demonstrations. Collaborating with ENSP, we effectively show how farmers can enhance yields while maintaining a safe environment by incorporating IMP as a key strategy during demonstrations in various butagira woredas. Throughout these programs, we consistently witness the […]
Field Visit in Arusha
Every year, in response to the needs of our farmers, we attend Bakker Brothers’ field days to select crop varieties suited to our country’s ecology. This year’s field visit experience was truly remarkable. When you treat your farm with the same care and attention as building your house, the result is impeccable! We extend our […]
National Consultative Meeting and Business to Business (B2B)
As the stated purpose indicates ATI is playing a significant role in establishing Aoss the Agricultural One Stop Shops (AOSSs) initiative, a key project of the Agricultural Transformation Institute (ATI), aims to enhance agricultural support for farmers. These shops offer timely and affordable access to high-quality inputs, training, and advisory services in different regions to […]
14 th Agrifex Exhibition
From December 7th to 9th, 2023, Markos PLC made a remarkable presence at the 14th AGRIFEX ETHIOPIA hosted at Millennium Hall. We showcased our top-notch products, connecting with existing valued customers and forging promising partnerships with new allies.
B2B event in Adama and Tigray prepared By Feed The future
We were part of the B2B event and workshop organized by Feed the Future to facilitate linkage between importers, agrodealers, and farmers in Adama and Tigray, aiming to address areas that were under conflict resilience.
National 500 million tree seedling plantations
It is a privilege to be a part of the national 500 million tree seedling plantations to ensure a green legacy.
New post
From December 7th to 9th, 2023, Markos PLC made a remarkable presence at the 14th AGRIFEX ETHIOPIA hosted at Millennium Hall. We showcased our top-notch products, connecting with existing valued customers and forging promising partnerships with new allies.
Farmers Training
The best fertilizer and pest management in the world is Farmer’s Footprint! Even though using improved seed (hybrid seeds) is one of the best agriculture practices, without a farmer on his farm, it means nothing. In addition, farmers’ enthusiasm to accept new technologies comes first when addressing sustainability issues in the agriculture sector. This is […]
Field day in Butagira, Meki, Adama and Ziway
Farmers are known for their practicality and trust in their own observations rather than mere words. That’s why field days hold immense significance, as they serve as the ultimate testament to the hard work put in over three months. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals who actively participated in the four remarkable […]